Energiequelle GmbH Commissions Wind Turbine in Ludwigsfelde, Germany

Energiequelle GmbH has commissioned a wind turbine in Ludwigsfelde, located on a landfill site in the Brandenburg district of Teltow-Fläming. The turbine, an Enercon E-138 with a hub height of 160 meters, has an output of 4.2 MW and is expected to generate electricity for approximately 5,000 households.
Project approval was granted in March 2023; construction began in February 2024. The turbine has subsequently begun delivering electricity to the grid.
This project marks the 808th wind turbine constructed by Energiequelle. Since its establishment in 1997, the company has connected over 1,700 MW of renewable energy capacity to grids across Europe. Energiequelle GmbH plans, builds, and operates renewable energy systems, including wind and solar installations across six countries and over 850 plants installed.